When we think of martial arts, the image that often comes to mind is one of strength, discipline, and respect. For many children, martial arts classes are a place of learning and growth. However, the trust placed in martial arts instructors can sometimes be exploited, making it essential to implement stringent measures to ensure the safety of young students. Criminal background checks are a key element in this safeguarding process. In this article I’ll delve into the importance of these checks, examines specific cases involving Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu (BJJ) instructors in Maryland, and offers practical advice for parents who are looking to enroll their child into a Brazilian Jiu Jitsu school or Martial Arts program.

Definition of Sexual Assault

Sexual assault is any form of non-consensual sexual activity. It encompasses a range of behaviors, from inappropriate touching to more severe forms of abuse. In the context of martial arts, where instructors often have close, physical contact with their students, the potential for abuse is a significant concern.

Why Martial Arts Instructors 🧐 Are Trusted Figures

Martial arts instructors are often seen as mentors and guardians. Their role involves not just teaching techniques but also fostering a safe and respectful environment. This trust can make instances of abuse even more devastating when they occur, highlighting the need for rigorous vetting processes.

The Importance of Background Checks

A criminal background check is a check of a person’s past history to see if events of criminality are found and to determine the degree of such criminality. For martial arts instructors, this process is crucial in filtering out individuals with histories of abusive or criminal behavior, thereby protecting children from potential harm. Most reputable Martial Arts schools will have a system in place to ensure their instructors have these checks conducted annually. Not having a system is a SIGNIFICENT RED FLAG 🚩 and one should consider another school.

Benefits of Conducting Background Checks

  • Prevention of Abuse: Detects individuals with criminal backgrounds before they can harm students.
  • Peace of Mind: Ensures parents that their children are training in a safe environment.
  • Compliance: Meets legal requirements and industry standards for child safety.

How Background Checks Help Prevent Abuse

Background checks act as a barrier to potential offenders, discouraging those with criminal histories from seeking positions of trust with children. They also provide an additional layer of safety by ensuring that any potential risks are identified and addressed before they can cause harm. At Team Randori all instructors have background checks conducted by the International Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Federation (IBJJF) as to ensure the academy and instructors are certified and registered and thru U.S.A Wrestling.

Case Studies in Maryland

There have been numerous cases right here in Maryland of abuse that was caused by a Martial Arts Instructor. If in fact one actually researched the facts you would see that the majority of these cases occur in places where the school is not affiliated or registered with a regulatory body like the IBJJF. Normally these schools taunt that they are associated with this or that famous instructor, who in fact has no means or requirement to validate the individuals whom are assonated with him are legally sound or have not history of child sexual abuse. It’s my opinion as a professional and parent that these troubling cases have underscored the critical need for comprehensive background checks for martial arts instructors. Below are two detailed accounts of Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu (BJJ) instructors who have been charged with sexual assault against minors:

👮 Case 1: Instructor from Rockville

In 2022, a Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu instructor based in Rockville was arrested and charged with multiple counts of sexual assault involving a young student. The instructor, who had been employed at a well-known academy, was found guilty of engaging in inappropriate conduct over an extended period. The case drew significant media attention, revealing that although the instructor had previously been accused of misconduct, those allegations were not fully investigated before this serious offense occurred.

👮 Case 2: Arrest in Silver Spring

Another alarming case involved a BJJ instructor in Silver Spring, charged in 2023 with sexually assaulting a minor student. This case highlighted a concerning gap in the screening process, as the instructor’s background check had failed to uncover prior allegations of inappropriate behavior. The failure to adequately vet the instructor allowed the abuse to continue, emphasizing the need for more robust background checks and monitoring procedures.

👮 Case 3: Arrest in Laurel MD

A Jiu Jitu instructor who was previously convicted of sexual battery of a child in another state in 2003, was arrested in Laurel. As part of his sentence, he was ordered to register as a sex offender for life. But he then moved to Maryland and never registered, according to a statement from the Howard County Police Department. After receiving a tip, the instructor was arrested at the school he was the owner and head instructor of. Police said he gave private lessons and classes, including for children and teenagers. Police said they had no current sexual misconduct reports on the instructor, but they want parents of students at the academy to be aware of the charges against him.

Analysis of Cases and Their Impact

As you can imagine these cases have profoundly impacted the community, eroding trust in martial arts programs and emphasizing the critical need for stringent background checks. The lessons learned from point to the necessity of comprehensive screening and the importance of maintaining a vigilant and proactive approach for child safety.

Lessons Learned from These Cases

The primary takeaway from these cases is the urgent need for thorough and ongoing background checks. Inadequate screening processes can lead to catastrophic consequences, highlighting the need for improved measures to protect children and ensure the integrity of martial arts programs.

The Practices That We Use for Ensuring your Childs Safety

  1. Establish Clear Policies: Create and enforce policies mandating background checks for all instructors.
  2. Partner with Reputable Services: Use reliable background check providers to ensure thorough vetting.
  3. Review Results Carefully: Examine background check results thoroughly and act on any red flags.
  4. Conduct Regular Updates: Regularly update background checks to reflect any new information or changes.

Additional Safety Measures Beyond Background Checks

Background checks should be complemented by other safety measures, including:

  • Instructor Training: Regular training on child protection and reporting procedures.
  • Enhanced Supervision: Implementing strict supervision policies during classes and events.
  • Open Communication Channels: Encouraging communication between parents, students, and instructors.
  • 1 Week Trial Membership: We try our best to vet not only the instructors but the members of the academy as well. We use this 1 week period to determine the individuals suitability to our community.

Creating a Safe Environment for Children

A safe martial arts environment requires a holistic approach, including robust background checks, comprehensive safety policies, and a culture of vigilance and support.

As a IBJJF registered academy. We are subject to the federations legal and administrative requirements for certification of our academy. One of those requirements is a mandated background checks for individuals working with children.

Ethical Considerations for Martial Arts Schools

Beyond legal obligations, martial arts schools have an ethical duty to protect their students. This involves not only conducting thorough background checks but also implementing additional safety measures and responding appropriately to any concerns.

Questions to Ask When Evaluating a Martial Arts School

When selecting a martial arts school, consider asking:

  • Do you conduct background checks on all instructors?
  • What specific safety measures are in place?
  • How do you address allegations of misconduct?

Red Flags to Watch Out For

Watch for programs that:

  • Avoid discussing safety and screening procedures.
  • Have unresolved complaints or a history of issues.
  • Lack clear policies on instructor vetting and child protection.

💸Comparison of Costs: Schools with and without Background Checks

When evaluating martial arts schools, it’s important to consider not just the quality of instruction but also the safety measures in place, including background checks. Schools that conduct thorough background checks often charge slightly higher fees compared to those that do not. While this cost difference might seem significant at first glance, it is a crucial investment in child safety. Schools that prioritize background checks are making a commitment to preventing abuse and ensuring a secure environment for students. On the other hand, schools that skip this essential step may offer lower prices but at the risk of compromising the safety of their students. The added expense for background checks is a small price to pay for the peace of mind and protection it provides, making it a worthy consideration for any concerned parent.


In conclusion, ensuring the safety of children in martial arts programs is essential. Criminal background checks for instructors are a critical component of this safety strategy. By implementing thorough screening processes and maintaining rigorous standards, martial arts schools can protect their students and uphold the values of trust and integrity that are foundational to the practice.

What should I do if I suspect abuse by an instructor?
Report your concerns to local law enforcement and the martial arts school immediately. It’s important to ensure that the situation is thoroughly investigated.

How can I report a suspicious instructor?
Contact local authorities and inform the martial arts school. Provide as much detail as possible to support the investigation.

To read other Blog articles 📖 that I have published.  Simply click 🖱️on this URL Annapolis Jiu Jitsu Blog Articles.

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Professor Al Hogan is a recent inductee in the U.S. Martial Arts Hall of Fame (2024) and a two time IBJJF Masters World Champion and Pan American Champion. He is renowned for his expertise in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu and Defensive Tactics Instruction, catering to the Jiu Jitsu enthusiast, law enforcement, military and security personnel.

👊 If you’re ready to amplify your Jiu Jitsu journey under Professor Al's tutelage, we offer you a complementary 1 Week Free Membership in our academy.


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