Child writing goals representing personal aspirations.
Child writing goals representing personal aspirations.

In this article I’ll step outside of the Academy, and try my best not to push you toward any Martial Art or Combative sport. This article is one geared to help you increase productivity and personal success. As these two concepts are closely intertwined. I believe that productivity is the ability to efficiently and effectively complete tasks that contribute to your long-term goals, while personal success is the fulfillment of those goals in areas like career, relationships, health, and personal growth. In doing so experts, of which I’m NOT, suggest the following to understand and improve productivity in your live as to achieve personal success.

The first and most important step in my opinion is to begins with clarity. If you truly want to succeed you need to define what it is you want to achieve, whether it’s advancing in your career, building meaningful relationships, or improving your health. Setting clear goals allows you to focus your energy and time on the tasks that matter the most.

💁‍♂️Tip: Break down big goals into smaller, actionable steps. This makes progress easier and more manageable.

Next step is that you’ll have to determine what tasks that you plan to take on to achieve your goals are important. Keep in mind that not all tasks are equally important to the success of your goal. Therefore, this can become tricky. What’s important, what’s not, how do you know. Man this can become quicksand very fast. So to avoid a waste of time, effort and focus, the importance of a mentor who can help guide you becomes blatantly clear. But this is a discussion for another time. Get get back to the point. Successful people focus on the tasks that have the most significant impact on their goals. This is often referred to as the Pareto Principle (80/20 rule)—20% of your efforts will produce 80% of your results. Identify your high-priority tasks and work on those first.

💁‍♂️Tip: Use a daily or weekly to-do list and highlight the most crucial tasks.

You’ll now want to establish some sort of effective time management system to ensure that you’re making the best use of your hours. Strategies like “Eat That Frog” method (tackling your most important task first) help you stay focused and avoid procrastination. Block out time in your day for deep, uninterrupted work on your key tasks.

💁‍♂️Tip: Eliminate distractions during work sessions to maximize your focus and efficiency.

While hard work is essential, so is rest. Personal success isn’t just about achieving goals; it’s also about maintaining balance in your life. Ensure you are taking time to recharge through breaks, relaxation, and hobbies. This not only improves well-being but also boosts productivity in the long run.

💁‍♂️Tip: Schedule regular breaks and downtime to prevent burnout.

One of the most important and I truly believe this is that we have to stay in a state of Continuous Learning and Growth. Successful individuals are committed to lifelong learning. As you achieve your goals, continue to develop new skills, you must improve your mindset, and adapt to changes. Your personal growth is a key component of long-term success.

💁‍♂️Tip: Invest in personal development through books, courses, and mentorship. Don’t drive and listen to music. Listen to self-improvement audiobooks. The time you spend in your car driving could be time invested in gaining knowledge equivalent to a advanced degree.

So as I write this one of my goals is to help you increase you wherewithal of how productivity is the vehicle that drives personal success. By setting clear concise goals, prioritizing high-impact tasks, managing your time wisely, and maintaining a balance between work and rest, you can achieve success in all areas of life. With consistent effort and focus, personal success is well within reach. However, there is one significant challenge that we must over come. That is the challenge of Education Vs Entertainment. As I sat down to prepare this article, I two was hijacked by the ease of slipping of the path of education into the abyss of entertainment. Technology make this far to easy for this to happen.

As I slipped into the abyss of Instagram, and then took a left on Google News, reading the headlines of todays news. I realized that I had just wasted a significant amount of time that could have been used more efficiently toward my goals then 🏄‍♂️ surfing the net. I had to real my self in and land back on solid ground, knowing I was just victim to the theory of Education vs. Entertainment. To explain this theory, Brian Tracy must be introduced here.

Brian Tracy a motivational speaker, a highly regarded leading self-development expert.
Brian Tracy a motivational speaker, a highly regarded leading self-development expert.

Brian Tracy, is a renowned self-development expert, who emphasizes the importance of prioritizing education over entertainment when striving for personal and professional success. His theory of Education vs. Entertainment revolves around the idea that how we spend our time (this is where I got to point back to the driving listening to music compared to a audio book or some other sort of self improvement audio) —particularly the balance between education and entertainment, directly influences our future achievements. Let’s explore Tracy’s concept in more detail 🔍.

Understanding the Balance

In today’s world, we are surrounded by endless sources of entertainment—TV shows, social media, video games, and movies. While these activities can be enjoyable and offer relaxation, Tracy argues that excessive entertainment leads to wasted potential. On the other hand, education, which includes reading, learning new skills, and personal development, is a powerful tool for growth and success.

Tracy’s theory is simple: the more time you invest in education, the greater your chances of success. Conversely, prioritizing entertainment over education can lead to stagnation or lack of progress in key areas of life.

Education as a Key to Success

Tracy believes that continuous learning is a cornerstone of success. Whether it’s through formal education, reading self-improvement books, or learning from mentors, education sharpens your skills, expands your knowledge, and prepares you for opportunities.

According to Tracy:

  • Self-Education: Reading books, taking courses, or attending seminars outside of formal education is essential for staying competitive and growing personally and professionally.
  • Skill Development: The modern world demands that individuals constantly upgrade their skills to remain relevant. Tracy emphasizes learning skills that have long-term benefits, like communication, leadership, and financial management.
  • Knowledge Expansion: Gaining expertise in your field or industry makes you more valuable and opens doors for advancement.

Entertainment’s Role in Moderation

While Tracy stresses the importance of education, he does not entirely dismiss entertainment. Entertainment can serve as a necessary break from work, a way to unwind, and a method for maintaining balance in life. However, the key is moderation. Tracy’s argument is that many people overindulge in entertainment at the expense of self-improvement.

For example:

  • Watching hours of TV daily or endlessly scrolling on social media might provide temporary pleasure, but it doesn’t contribute to long-term growth or success.
  • Balancing entertainment with education ensures that you can enjoy leisure while still investing in your future.

The Compound Effect of Education

Tracy often refers to the compound effect when discussing the benefits of prioritizing education. Small, consistent efforts to learn something new each day accumulate over time and lead to significant progress. For instance, reading for just 30 minutes a day can add up to hundreds of hours of self-education over a year, which can significantly impact your skills, mindset, and opportunities.

On the flip side, spending that same time purely on entertainment may offer immediate gratification but won’t result in meaningful long-term benefits.

Practical Application of Education Over Entertainment

Brian Tracy’s theory encourages individuals to take control of how they spend their time by making conscious choices. Here are some practical ways to implement his advice:

  • Read Daily: Commit to reading educational material for 20-30 minutes a day. This could be books on personal development, industry trends, biographies, or self-help.
  • Limit Entertainment: Set boundaries on your entertainment consumption. For example, limit TV watching to one hour a day or save leisure activities for weekends.
  • Invest in Learning: Enroll in online courses, attend workshops, or seek mentorship in areas you want to improve.
  • Skill Building: Regularly focus on developing practical skills that can advance your career, such as learning a new language, improving your writing, or mastering a software program.

The Long-Term Benefits

Choosing education over entertainment can lead to:

  • Career Growth: The more knowledge and skills you acquire, the more valuable you become in the workplace. This can result in promotions, higher salaries, and more opportunities.
  • Personal Development: Education leads to greater self-awareness, confidence, and personal fulfillment. It helps you set and achieve bigger goals.
  • Financial Success: Learning about money management, investing, and wealth-building can significantly improve your financial situation over time.
  • A Balanced Life: While entertainment provides short-term pleasure, education offers long-term satisfaction by helping you grow into the best version of yourself.


Brian Tracy’s theory of Education vs. Entertainment is a powerful reminder of how crucial it is to make intentional choices about how we use our time. By prioritizing education—through reading, skill-building, and continuous learning, you set yourself up for long-term success. Entertainment, while enjoyable, should be enjoyed in moderation, ensuring that your time and energy are focused on activities that truly contribute to your growth and future achievements.

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Professor Al Hogan is a recent inductee in the U.S. Martial Arts Hall of Fame (2024) and a two time IBJJF Masters World Champion and Pan American Champion. He is renowned for his expertise in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu and Defensive Tactics Instruction, catering to the Jiu Jitsu enthusiast, law enforcement, military and security personnel.

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