Diagram representing the concept of the 80/20 Rule, showing how 20% of actions lead to 80% of results.

The 80/20 Rule: A Game-Changer for Your Life and Martial Arts Training

In class yesterday, I discussed the idea of “eating that a elephant”—tackling your most important and challenging task first to boost productivity. Today, I want to introduce you to another concept that’s equally powerful and potentially even more transformative. The 80/20 Rule.

This principle has revolutionized the lives of thousands, including mine. It’s incredibly simple yet deeply impactful, capable of doubling or even tripling your outcomes in any area of your life, including martial arts.

Understanding the 80/20 Rule

Also known as the Pareto Principle, the 80/20 Rule suggests that 80% of your results come from just 20% of your efforts. Think about that. The majority of what you achieve comes from a small fraction of your actions.

This concept applies across the board—whether in your work, relationships, health, or happiness. In business, for example, 20% of your clients may generate 80% of your revenue. In your personal life, 20% of your habits likely contribute to 80% of your well-being.

In martial arts training, the 80/20 Rule can be especially transformative. Often, a small percentage of techniques and movements account for the majority of success in combat or sparring. By identifying and focusing on these high-leverage techniques, martial artists can drastically improve their efficiency and performance.

The key question is? Are you giving attention to the 20% that truly makes a difference?

Applying the 80/20 Rule to Your Life

Here’s how you can begin to harness the power of the 80/20 Rule right now.

Step 1: Identify Your Key 20%

Take a moment to reflect on your daily activities and ask yourself:

  • Which tasks or actions lead to the greatest outcomes?
  • Which clients, projects, or relationships provide the highest return on your time and energy?
  • What habits make you feel your best physically, mentally, and emotionally?

Step 2: Prioritize High-Impact Activities

Once you’ve pinpointed your 20%, shift your focus. Start dedicating more of your time and energy to these high-impact tasks, while reducing your involvement in the less significant ones. This may require delegating tasks, saying “no” to more distractions, or reorganizing your priorities to center on the activities that bring the most value.

Step 3: Minimize the Low-Value 80%

This step can be challenging—cutting or reducing the time spent on low-value activities. These are the tasks that consume your time but offer little return, such as excessive meetings, unnecessary emails, endless social media scrolling, or relationships that drain your energy. By minimizing these distractions, you’ll free up valuable time for your high-impact 20%.

Step 4: Regularly Reevaluate Your 20%

The 80/20 Rule isn’t a one-and-done process. It requires ongoing evaluation. Every few months, reassess your 20%. As your goals and priorities evolve, so too will the activities that yield the most significant results. Stay focused on what truly matters.

How the 80/20 Rule Enhances Your Jiu Jitsu Training

Jiu Jitsu student focusing on leverage to execute a submission hold.
Jiu Jitsu student focusing on leverage to execute a submission hold.

The beauty of the 80/20 Rule is that it allows you to accomplish more by doing less. In Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, where skill refinement and efficiency are key, this principle is especially valuable. Here’s how to apply it to your training.

Identify Core Techniques

In Jiu Jitsu, a vast range of techniques and movements are available, but not all are equally impactful. Applying the Pareto Principle means focusing on the small set of moves that consistently yield the best results. For instance, in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, you might find that mastering a few fundamental moves like the rear-naked choke or the guard pass leads to the majority of your victories.

Focus on High-Yield Drills

Rather than trying to practice every possible technique, concentrate on the drills that provide the most improvement in your overall skill. If you’re training for sparring or competition, spend more time honing situational sparring or timing drills, as these often lead to better real-world application.

Streamline Your Conditioning

Physical conditioning is essential in Jiu Jitsu, but not every workout provides equal benefits. The 80/20 Rule can help you prioritize the conditioning exercises that improve your performance the most—like explosive movements, flexibility, or stamina-building drills.

Minimize Low-Impact Efforts

Cut down on activities that consume time but don’t directly contribute to your progress. This could mean reducing time spent on moves that are flashy but less effective in real scenarios or even limiting time spent on less relevant conditioning methods. The goal is to free up more time for the 20% of activities that bring the best results.

Why the 80/20 Rule Works

The beauty of the 80/20 Rule is that it allows you to accomplish more by doing less. You don’t need extra hours in the day—you just need to concentrate on the right activities. Mastering this principle enables you to achieve more results in less time while experiencing a greater sense of purpose and fulfillment in everything you do.

In Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, mastering the Pareto Principle could mean advancing more quickly through ranks, improving your competitive edge, and reaching your goals faster by focusing on the techniques and strategies that truly matter.


I encourage you to start using the 80/20 Rule today, both in your personal life and in your Jiu Jitsu training. Identify the 20% in your life and your practice that drives the most success and commit to focusing on it wholeheartedly. This could be the game-changing strategy you’ve been searching for, in and out of the academy.

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Professor Al Hogan is a recent inductee in the U.S. Martial Arts Hall of Fame (2024) and a two time IBJJF Masters World Champion and Pan American Champion. He is renowned for his expertise in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu and Defensive Tactics Instruction, catering to the Jiu Jitsu enthusiast, law enforcement, military and security personnel.

👊 If you’re ready to amplify your Jiu Jitsu journey under Professor Al's tutelage, we offer you a complementary 1 Week Free Membership in our academy.


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